As you we are sure that you are aware, the development of early language is a crucial pillar of a child’s personal growth. However, according to research by Speech and Language UK, at least 1.7 million children in this country are behind with talking and understanding of words. Wider research and data confirm this picture. The percentage of pupils formally identified as having a primary special need in speech, language and communication is steadily rising – up to 22.5% in 2021, compared with 18.8% in 2015.
The English Hub programme is therefore offering a six session course run on zoom, designed to equip teachers and leaders with a practical pedagogical understanding of both typical language development and also how to support pupils who are struggling with language acquisition: Sessions run from 12.45-3.15pm and you need to attend all sessions.
1. What is language and how it is developed? (Thursday 19th September 2024 12.45-3.15pm).
2. Supporting talk in schools (Thursday 14th November 2024 12.45-3.15pm ).
3. Teaching words and making them stick (Thursday 23rd January 2025 12.45-3.15pm).
4. Identifying and supporting SLCN (Thursday 20th March 12.45-3.15pm).
5. Making change: sustaining change (Thursday 8th May 12.45-3.15pm).
6. Sharing the school improvement journey (Thursday 3rd July 12.45-3.15pm).
The course is primarily aimed at those in early years leadership such as the school’s head teacher, early years lead and SENDCO. The staff members will take responsibility for the cascading of training within their school.
To sign up please click on the link: https://forms.office.com/e/dK6XgH3m7n