Sonia Thompson 29th January 2-3.30pm
Sign up here: https://forms.office.com/e/kRa4tdrPDk
Ilsham English Hub and Rambsury English Hub present….
An audience with Sonia Thompson, Director St Matthew’s CE Research School
29th January 2024 2pm—3.30pm on zoom – Free to access.
Sonia is Director of the Research School and also Headteacher at St Matthew’s CE Teaching School. She is an SLE for English and School Improvement. She is an Advisory Board Member for OU/UKLA Reading for Pleasure website. She is a judge of the UKLA book awards and the Empathy Lab Books.
Join us for an afternoon, online event to hear from an EEF trustee about the importance of engaging all pupils and their families in reading.
Intended audience: Primary phase teachers, subject leads, school leadership.