Schools will need to sign up for all 4 sessions, which will be run 2 – 3pm on Zoom:
The structure of this work will be 4 sessions led by Danni Cooke Hub Lead Ilsham English Hub and Rowena Lucas Hub Lead Ramsbury English Hub. In-between each session participants will be invited to try out the strategies that they explore to ensure that they reflect on the previous workshop.
This work will only be open to a maximum of 20 schools to participate – (This is currently not open to Wave 4 Partner Schools – if this is you then please email dcooke@lapsw.org). Schools who sign up and have a commitment to the sessions will be sent two books for use in the work.
The focus group of this work will be on EYFS (nursery/pre school included but can be bridged into year 1).
This CPD is free to access.
Booking form: https://forms.office.com/r/NRqYHTvMUk