Christopher Such – 1st February (This is the rescheduled date for the session in October) 4-5.15pm 

Ilsham English Hub are excited to host a session with Christopher Such.  This is free for schools to access.

Christopher Such is the author of The Art and Science of Teaching Primary Reading. 
He is an experienced teacher, school leader and reading consultant, who has delivered professional development for schools, trusts and ITT providers on the subject of evidence-informed reading, mathematics teaching and curriculum development.

What Every Teacher Needs to Know About Reading
This session will focus on the following areas:

  1. Reading comprehension as the construction of a mental model
  2. Frameworks for understanding reading
  3. Word recognition and English orthography
  4. Reading fluency – what it is, how it develops and how it can be supported in the classroom
  5. The interconnected bodies of knowledge that support language comprehension
  6. Meaningful teaching of reading comprehension