Following the Ofsted inspection of Dunsford Community Academy in May 2022, the proud staff and children have been celebrating the judgement that the school remains a Good school.
The report stated:
“The school is at the heart of the community. Pupils get on well together at this friendly, village school. They care deeply about each other. Pupils feel safe and enjoy their time at Dunsford.
Pupils develop strong moral values. They know right from wrong. Pupils understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and know what makes a positive relationship. Staff strive for pupils to be the best they can be in all that they do. They have pupils’ best interests at heart. Staff have high aspirations for all pupils.
Pupils enjoy the wider opportunities beyond the classroom. For example, many pupils learn to play a musical instrument. This has led to much success in local music competitions. Older pupils enjoy taking part in the civic award. Year 6 pupils feel well prepared for the next stage of their education.”