The children at All Saints Marsh C of E Academy, which is part of the Learning Academy Partnership (LAP), have enjoyed celebrating Harvest together this year.
The week started off with a virtual Harvest Festival at St Paul’s Church where the children could be heard singing at the top of their lungs far and wide. The school is looking forward to soon being able to invite friends, families, and the local community to join in their celebrations at the Church.
The children’s families have been incredibly generous and have collected a whole host of non-perishable goodies for the school’s local charity ‘Homeless in Teignbridge’ (HITS). The charity works with homeless people and those in crisis who need the support of their local community.
All Saints Marsh also hosted their annual Harvest fruit and vegetable competition, where the children are invited to get creative and use fruits and vegetables to create their own animal characters. The entries this year were superb, so much so that they had to choose 2 winners per class. Some of the children even grew their own vegetables as well which was amazing.
The children have also been demonstrating their school’s Christian value of compassion by regularly donating produce to the Community Fridge at the Courtenay Centre, Newton Abbot, and they said they enjoy being able to give back to their local community.
If you would like to find out more about HITS and the wonderful work they do, please visit www.hitsfoodbank.org
If you have a child and are looking for a Reception place for September 2022, please look at the school website allsaintsmarsh-lap.co.uk or call them on 01626 365293 to make an appointment to have a look around their ‘small school with a big heart in the centre of Newton Abbot’. They cannot wait to meet you.
Laura Secker, Head of Academy at All Saints Marsh said: “Our children have been learning about the importance of helping others who may be less fortunate than ourselves or who are going through challenging times. This links with our school’s Christian value of compassion. I am incredibly proud of our children and families who have donated so much to help their local community.”